SA Valuer Blog

Buying a farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Specific climate, specific risk

In the previous article, I discussed the importance of locality when determining the value of a farm.  Location in relation to relevant markets and unsafe areas were of specific importance. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at another major role player in the valuation of farmland, namely climate.   Climate

By |2021-12-13T14:35:12+02:00September 28th, 2021|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Provincial Heritage Resources Authority: Gauteng (PHRA-G )

INTRODUCTION The Provincial Heritage Resources Authority Gauteng is a governmental organisation that is responsible for the protection of heritage sites in Gauteng. PHRA-G is established and governed in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 199 (the Act). WHAT DOES PHRA-G GOVERN? In terms of this Act, any building or site which

By |2021-09-22T14:34:25+02:00September 22nd, 2021|SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Value, Price and Location

Buying a farm can be a daunting experience – especially for first time buyers!  There are so many factors that need to be taken into consideration.  What ultimately determines the monetary value of a farm? What will financiers regard as important when considering a loan application? The concept of the VALUE of a property

By |2021-12-13T14:34:17+02:00September 21st, 2021|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|3 Comments

Meet our industry leaders: Jerry Margolius

Industry leader: Meet Jerry Margolius Every month, SAIV profiles some of our most established property valuers who have become leaders in the industry due to many years of experience. This month we are profiling Jerry Margolius, a professional valuer and the owner of Jerry L Margolius & Associates CC, to find out more

By |2021-11-26T16:38:42+02:00September 14th, 2021|Industry Leaders, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Valuation as a career | Pelo Khasu

A valuer is a professional trained to determine such values, execute feasibility studies and provide expert advice on property-related matters. As such, an independent valuer can provide impartial and motivated reports on the value of real or limited rights to land. We caught up with Northern Branch Executive member, Pelo

By |2022-05-31T11:58:17+02:00September 9th, 2021|SA Valuer Blog, Valuation as a Career|0 Comments

2 September 2021: Property owners affected by July unrest potentially eligible for rates relief – SAIV

PRESS RELEASE The civil unrest seen in KwaZulu-Natal and parts of Gauteng in July had a devastating impact. The needless destruction of property will be a burden for South Africa into the future. However, the South African Institute of Valuers (SAIV) has informed the public that there may be economic relief for property

By |2021-09-16T15:20:20+02:00September 8th, 2021|Municipal Valuations, Press Releases, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Five generations of Valuers: The Currie family

The Currie family boasts a rich history in the property valuation profession. Richard Currie comes from a lineage of SAIV members. We interviewed him and he shared some great history on his great-grandfather, grand-father, father and son on their involvement in the Institute and the valuation profession. Read what he had to say by

By |2021-09-16T15:20:38+02:00September 1st, 2021|SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Opportunities for women in the valuation property sector

The South African Institute of Valuers (SAIV) emphasises the importance of women being recognised as equal players among their male counterparts in the field of valuation and property. Having assumed various roles, including positions of leadership in the valuation and property sector, SAIV VP Natalie Ginsberg says working in a male-dominated industry means that, more often

By |2021-09-16T15:21:25+02:00August 30th, 2021|News, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments
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