PECAN NUTS AND SOIL Pecan nut trees do well in a well-drained deep soil with a medium texture. The alluvial soils along rivers are excellent for pecan nut trees, provided the permanent water level is at
Background and the South African market The pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) is indigenous to North America, where it grows wild along the Gulf of Mexico and around the Great Lakes. The pecan nut tree can
The South African Institute of Valuers (SAIV) hosted the Berg Seminar at Cathedral Peak Hotel, nestled in the beautiful and serene mountains of the Drakensberg. Taking place over 2days, the event kicked-off on Friday,
16 November 2022. The South African Institute of Valuers (SAIV) hosted the Berg Seminar at the Cathedral Peak Hotel on 28 – 29 October 2022. The place was abuzz as the delegates arrived in
Written by: Jenny Falck Even though the property valuation profession in South Africa has a much larger profile than, say, 20 years ago, there are still many myths and uncertainties surrounding the profession, the
SAIV Past President, Patrick O'Connell is featured in the latest issue of Asset Magazine, where he touches on a number of issues including retail constraints, investor concerns, office vacancies and outlook for 2023. When
Written by: Dave Furness In this article, we look at an example of the multiple value-attributing factors when determining the value of a property. A property is purchased at a price/value determined to have
The Office of the Valuer-General (OVG) has appointed Urban-Econ to conduct a study of the impact of the Property Valuation Act on the land reform programme in South Africa. MetGovis is sub-contracted to provide
Penny Lindstrom has been a force to reckon with! It’s hard to pay homage to someone who has over 50 years of service within the valuation profession. Perhaps the difficulty lies in the realization