Farm Valuations

Valuation of a Fruit Farm | Part 2

VALUATION OF A FRUIT FARM | PART TWO (with application to a citrus farm) INSPECTION Inspection is carried out for the obvious reason that a property cannot be valued unseen, but as well as to note: Verification of physical features, (soils, topography and climate) that determine the production potential of the farm; Plantation population

By |2023-01-31T10:07:36+02:00January 31st, 2023|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Valuation of a Fruit Farm | Part 1

VALUATION OF A FRUIT FARM  (with application to a citrus farm) INTRODUCTION The purpose of this session is to follow up on the lecture of Mr Veldman to complete the whole picture on the valuation of a citrus (or fruit) farm, namely to round off the discussion of value forming attributes with some practical

By |2023-03-07T13:25:39+02:00January 24th, 2023|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Growing a valuable pecan nut orchard part 2

PECAN NUTS AND SOIL Pecan nut trees do well in a well-drained deep soil with a medium texture. The alluvial soils along rivers are excellent for pecan nut trees, provided the permanent water level is at least 5 m or more below the soil surface to ensure good drainage. Clay content preferably not more than 35%, but

By |2022-12-13T06:38:07+02:00December 13th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|1 Comment

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Growing a valuable pecan nut orchard Part 1

Background and the South African market The pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) is indigenous to North America, where it grows wild along the Gulf of Mexico and around the Great Lakes. The pecan nut tree can produce even when very old. There are 400-year-old trees in Mexico still bearing nuts. The Chinese began buying pecans in 2004.

By |2022-12-15T09:13:51+02:00December 7th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Adding value to game ranches

THE VALUATION OF GAME / WILDLIFE FARMS Game / wildlife farms become ever more popular as the challenges of profitability in the agricultural sector increase. In 2000 there were already 9 000 game ranches in South Africa that covered 13% of the country’s total land area, compared to 5% for all national parks (Falkena,

By |2022-10-10T13:10:06+02:00October 10th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Permanent Pastures

In this article I will focus on the valuation of permanently established pastures. Permanent pastures can be established on dry land or under irrigation, and can consist of grass only, broadleaf plants only, a mixture of grasses or a mixture of grass and broadleaf plants. When deciding which permanent pasture to establish, a farmer

By |2022-12-13T06:25:47+02:00July 19th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s persepective | Grazing and land value

In this article, I will focus on the valuation of grazing and natural veld. Let me start off with a statement that usually catches most people’s attention: “There is no direct correlation between grazing capacity and grazing land values.” Yes, this is actually true. Although it seems to go against all logic, the value

By |2022-05-30T15:24:18+02:00May 30th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Evaluating an orchard

In this article I will be focusing on valuing permanent crops, and the different factors that valuers take into consideration when compiling such a valuation report. The factors that influence the value of permanent crops can be categorized under area of location, crop type, plant population, orchard establishment, irrigation, location on the farm, yield

By |2022-01-28T09:00:29+02:00January 28th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Valuing irrigation lands on a farm

WATER (Continued) IRRIGATION FARM TERMINOLOGY To be clear on what is referred to when valuing the irrigation component of a farm, it is important to explain or define the terminology to be used. The following definitions distinguish between different types of so-called “irrigable land”: WATER-USE ENTITLEMENT It refers to the lawful use of water

By |2021-12-13T14:42:36+02:00December 7th, 2021|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Water rights – and wrongs

WATER Water is one of the three primary natural resources that determine the potential of a farm, together with soil and climate. Water (rain) plays a primary role in dryland production and livestock farming, and water is the heart of irrigation. It not only adds value directly to the farm, but its availability increases

By |2021-12-13T14:41:10+02:00November 4th, 2021|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|1 Comment
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