SA VALUER BLOG2024-11-20T10:40:26+02:00
The advantages & disadvantages of different roof types in Sectional Title Schemes

July 12th, 2023|SA Valuer Blog, Sectional Title articles|

It is essential to understand that a developer constructs a new sectional title scheme to make as much profit as possible. Developments in low-income areas will inherently result in different materials compared to high-income

Property valuations appeals – court decisions vindicate ratepayers’ objections; highlights incompetence.

July 3rd, 2023|Press Releases, SA Valuer Blog|

In recent months, the highly publicised decisions by the High Court and Supreme Court in separate matters, found in favour of ratepayers, where municipalities over estimated – or in one case “thumbsucked’ property valuations,

Property Practitioners unlawfully conducting and offering free property valuations

June 27th, 2023|Press Releases, SA Valuer Blog|

*A letter from SAIV President Dianne de Wet (Dated: 07 June 2023) Dear Property Practitioner RE: Unlawfully conducting and offering free property valuations It has come to our attention that you are offering property valuation

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