SA VALUER BLOG2024-11-20T10:40:26+02:00
Newly re-accredited Wits programmes will boost the property sector in South Africa

May 4th, 2022|Press Releases, SA Valuer Blog|

PRESS RELEASE The South African Institute of Valuers (SAIV) has applauded the recent re-accreditation of three Wits University programmes in the property valuation profession. “This move is sure to benefit the industry and

The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act is seriously flawed | Property Wheel

April 26th, 2022|SA Valuer Blog, Sectional Title articles|

By Mike Spencer, MD, Platinum Global The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act (STSMA) replaced the original Sectional Title Act some time ago. It essentially splits the registration of schemes from the management of Sectional

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