Categories: Industry Leaders, SA Valuer Blog406 words1.5 min read

Meet our Industry Leaders: Bill Collatz


May 17, 2022

Bill Collatz
Bill CollatzProfessional Valuer

Industry leader: Bill Collatz

Every month, SAIV profiles some of our most established property valuers who have become leaders in the industry due to many years of experience.

What made you pursue a career in property valuations?
It was not a planned career choice. I completed an accredited degree, but worked as a municipal official. In the course of my work, I came across municipal valuers and as Town Secretary, I appointed several external municipal valuers. I also served as Secretary to the then Transvaal Valuation Appeal Board. I got to know Clive Massel, who offered me a position at Massel Property Services and never looked back.

Who do you think has had the biggest influence on your career today, and why?
Without a doubt mentorship, I was fortunate to get to know and work with several attorneys, lawyers and valuers who were legends in the profession. Names that come to mind are Frank Belling, Piet Strydom, Louis Vorster and especially Clive Massel.

The strangest property you have ever been asked to value?
The Telkom Tower in Muckleneuk, Pretoria.

What do you think is one of the worst, but perhaps most common, mistakes a property valuer can make?

  • Losing sight of the basics.
  • Not doing thorough research.
  • Objectivity, valuers too often will value to achieve an outcome, rather than be objective.

Complete this sentence: Every property valuer needs…
humility, to be open to criticism, listen and have fun doing it all!

Looking back on your career, what has been the biggest change you have noticed in property valuations in South Africa?

  • Availability and speed of access to information; deeds office records, sales, zoning; cadastre; aerial imagery, etc.
  • Discounting of fees and with it, quality of work.

What risks do you see facing the property valuation industry today?

  • Mentorship opportunities for young aspiring candidate valuers;
  • Municipal and Financial Institution valuations will increasingly be done by CAMA systems

Any advice for young people looking to pursue a career in valuations?
At the beginning of a career, focus more on getting exposure and experience. Work on your skills and training, rather than chase career advancement and money.

Are there any specialised properties which you believe would be worthwhile for any valuer to develop specific skills in valuing?
There is a shortage of valuers with experience in valuation for expropriation and acquisition by state owned entities for purposes of infrastructure (pipe lines, power lines, roads, electrical servitudes, dams, canals, etc.)

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