Pecan nut farm valuation

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Growing a valuable pecan nut orchard part 2

PECAN NUTS AND SOIL Pecan nut trees do well in a well-drained deep soil with a medium texture. The alluvial soils along rivers are excellent for pecan nut trees, provided the permanent water level is at least 5 m or more below the soil surface to ensure good drainage. Clay content preferably not more than 35%, but

By |2022-12-13T06:38:07+02:00December 13th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|1 Comment

Buying a Farm – a Valuer’s perspective | Growing a valuable pecan nut orchard Part 1

Background and the South African market The pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) is indigenous to North America, where it grows wild along the Gulf of Mexico and around the Great Lakes. The pecan nut tree can produce even when very old. There are 400-year-old trees in Mexico still bearing nuts. The Chinese began buying pecans in 2004.

By |2022-12-15T09:13:51+02:00December 7th, 2022|Farm Valuations, SA Valuer Blog|0 Comments
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