From the President’s Desk | December 2023
Well, we have come to the end of another year. A year filled with challenges, successes and great events, both virtual and in person.
Our Mentorship Programme continues to benefit those candidates who have been unable to secure a mentor or employment, and those who just wish to increase their exposure to and experience in a wider range of the types and purposes for which valuations may be performed. We have also changed the online platform to Moodle which is used by many academic institutions and is a more user-friendly application for both Mentors and Mentees.
Our thanks go to Dave Furness who has steered the programme and kept the mentees engaged and producing good valuation reports. With deadlines imposed this year, those mentees who have managed to stay on track, are showing great progress. We wish them Godspeed in completing the programme successfully and being admitted to sit for the SACPVP Board exam in the near future.
Our GM’s Office continues to provide the most incredible support to, not only our National Executive and Branch Executives, but all our members too. We have gained a new staff member – Molisha Mpofu – joined the team in October and is responsible for finance administration. Welcome Molisha. I cannot go without mentioning the amazing work that Lebone continues to produce on the social media front. She has kept us in the forefront of the public’s eye with her posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and the print media. Anne-Marie has continued to be invaluable to our members and mentees. Thanks for all that you do Anne-Marie. And then, last but not least, our amazing General Manager, Lerato. Your dedication and continued innovation in managing not only your staff, but the National and Branch Executives is so greatly appreciated. I am sure that, at times you feel like you are trying to herd cats. Please don’t stop trying to herd us cats.
Following the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, we have fully resumed in-person events with most valuers enjoying the networking opportunities provided by these occasions. Following the Southern Branch seminar and National AGM, the Northern Branch has held their Country Seminar which was a great success. A few of our Mentees won free sponsored tickets to attend this event and enjoyed meeting and interacting with valuers from all parts of the region. With the post-Covid period where we were unable to host workshop and seminars, we have been surprised by the success of our occasional webinars. The secret, I suspect, is the quality of the presentations. It also confirms our submission that there is a great desire for practical valuation skills instead of more theory, which our academic institutions cover as part of the curriculum.
We continue to face challenges with the shortage of valuers in South Africa and an aging profession. We as the Institute have recognised that we need to transfer those skills that the new generation of valuers will require if the profession is to grow. We are also focused on trying to attract the younger generation instead of valuations being a default career when insufficient points are gained for admittance to other courses at university. I realised that even academics are not always aware of our profession as a career option. We need to spread the word in our daily business lives as well.
Another challenge, (which is beyond our control, save for the way in which we respond to it) is the high interest and low economic growth environment that we have had to contend with during 2023. I suspect that this will continue due to the political uncertainty that we currently face. However, I am optimistic that once the elections have been held, we should be able to sail forth – South Africans are known for their resilience in the face of great obstacles.
As the great Nelson Mandela said, “I learned that courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it”. May we all triumph over any fears that we may have in 2024 and stand united as we will then be unbeatable.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful festive season and a safe New Year. I look forward to a successful journey with all our members in 2024.